In the meantime I just noticed that there are a lot of people reading the blog, but nobody, well, almost nobody, is brave enough to post.
So I´m sitting here with my typically sunday mood: I got a terrible Hangover and yesterday I found out that I haven´t been in my apartment an entire day for three weeks now. So today this will be that special day... Somehow I´m afraid I won´t be in the situation to enjoy it like I really planned to. But anyway looking outside the window, I´m thinking about staying at home until march, because it´s terribly cold. Two days ago we had the first day of snow and all the viennese were getting nervous to buy the "winter wheels" (i don´t have any idea how this should be called for real) for their cars. I thought that this year I will be extraordinary clever and I won´t spend to much money in heating: First because I´m hardly ever home and second because I was getting used to spend a winter with my coat on all day long freezing like hell in sunny spain last year. But I´m weak, a looser, yesterday I started to heat up.
The worst about this time here is the wind and that people stop going out. I mean that´s logical think about the risks: you are getting drunk and just fall asleep on the street and you die from exposure. I guess that´s not funny! And all the places to go out are far away from where you live... allways. Allthough you might live in a cool quarter of town where you can go out and everything, you´ll allways have friends that refuse to go out round your corner and they´ll take you to the other side of town. So at least you have the choice between: freeze yourself to death while walking home, freeze yourself to death while waiting for the "nightline" or getting hopelessly poor in getting home in a way too expensive cab.
So I choosed to live, I´ll stay at home and I´ll keep on working to finish my studies... hurrah: GOOD GIRL! That´s what winter is for!